TERMS OF USE OF clientric.bg


  1. The platform “clientric.bg” (The Platform) is property of the public benefit foundation “CLIENTRIC ACADEMY FOR INNOVATION IN TOURISM” (The Foundation) with Company Identification Number: 177060986 registered under the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria.
  2. Terminology notes for the purposes of these General Terms:
    1. User“ – the natural persons using the Platform.
    2. General Terms“ – the terms and conditions which the User of the Platform accepts in using the web site.
  3. The Platform and the information offered by it function under the terms described below. The use of the Platform signifies the unconditional agreement to all listed terms and conditions. If the user does not agree with one or more of the terms of use of the Platform, he or she is entitled to refrain from using the Platform – otherwise the acceptance of all terms and conditions will be considered automatically granted. The User gives tacit approval of the terms of use.

  5. The Platform features the most modern and approved applications and safety technologies regarding the personal information of the User.
  6. The Foundation does not guarantee the permanent functioning of the Platform.

  8. The Foundation reserves the right to discontinue the access to certain material or to the whole website content for an unlimited period of time, whether planned or incidental, without being liable for any potential damages to the User resulting from the discontinuance.
  9. The Foundation reserves the right to redirect the User to other pages on the Internet which are controlled by the Foundation. In this case the General terms provided in the respective Internet pages shall be observed and followed.
  10. The Foundation reserves the right to redirect the User to other pages on the Internet which are owned and controlled by third parties. The Foundation has no control over the contents of the referred pages and therefore shall not be held liable for the actuality, truthfulness or accuracy of the information contained in the referred web pages.

  12. The information contained on the Platform shall in no way be interpreted as consultation. Any actions of the User regarding the protection of his or her rights and legal interests should be taken upon due consultation with a specialist in the area.
  13. The Information provided on the Platform may be general and abstract. Its adequate application in practice depends on the correct, including legal, qualification of a number of facts related to the particular life situation, which facts may not be described on the Platform. Therefore the Foundation shall not be held liable in case the User applies the information to a different, more complicated situation or in a specific context, which may result in damages incurred by the User.
  14. By sending materials to any of the Foundation’s servers, including but not limited to, via e-mail or through the Platform, the User accepts the following:
    • The materials and the information in/with them do not contain anything that might be in conflict with the applicable law or is in any way unsuitable for publishing.
    • The User shall use all appropriate means to detect and remove viruses and all such malignant or destructive elements or programs, before sending the materials and the information in/with them.
    • The User is in possession of the materials and the information in/with them or possesses unlimited rights to provide them – the Foundation may publish them free of charge and/or use the materials or the ideas contained in them, in its own products and services, without bearing any financial or other liability.

  16. The Foundation does not collect/ process/ store personal data through the Platform. The Foundation adheres to the rules outlined in this document and to the principles of working with personal data provided by the applicable law and the Law for Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  18. The Platform collects only statistical data regarding the visits to the web site which are not related to personal data of the User.

  20. The information reflected on the Platform is general and abstract. Its actuality is monitored by the Foundation’s team but omissions are possible, in reference to partial or even complete changes, including such in the legislative regime. In case of noted inconsistencies between the information on the web site and the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria or the European Union, the User is given the opportunity to contact the Foundation’s team and to report the inconsistency. The Foundation reserves the right to investigate the report and, if deemed necessary, to undertake measures to correct the inconsistency.

  22. The Foundation reserves the right to alter and renew the terms and conditions on the web site, as and whenever deemed necessary. The actual General Terms shall be the ones published on the Platform.

  24. All the information (articles, models of documents and other materials) on the Platform constitute intellectual property of the Foundation and/or the authors in its team. Its use is permitted only in compliance with the following rules:
    1. Everyone is free to share all content by providing a link to its source (the particular URL page of the Platform).
    2. By keeping every link in the shared content
    3. By indicating the author
    4. Without modifications
    5. For non-commercial purposes

  26. Being a socially responsible organization, the Foundation appreciates the feedback from the User.
  27. The Foundation guarantees that the sending of messages to the User will be performed only upon explicit request on behalf of the User, submitted via the special contact form designed for the purpose. After the User registers his or her e-mail address in the special contact form, the latter agrees to receive notifications about new materials published on the Platform and other relevant information regarding the project.
  28. The User is entitled to refuse at any time the receiving of messages via the e-bulletin of the Platform.
  29. The Foundation reserves the right to contact the User for the purposes of surveys/ questionnaires regarding the quality of the supplied information.
    1. The above referred surveys/questionnaires may be performed online, and in particular via some of the digital/ online channels of the Foundation related to the Platform as well as by physical means, including but not limited to, brochures, bulletins, cards, questionnaires, sociological studies, etc.
    2. The surveys/questionnaires aim at improving the content offered by the Platform and the level of the project.

  31. By using the Platform and the information contained on it, the User expresses unconditional agreement to these General Terms, which entitles the User to use the Platform free of charge for personal and non-commercial purposes.